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The Weather and Soil Stabilisation

Les Ellaby

Weather and soil stabilisation

With traditional soil stabilisation rainfall during installation can result in a change in the moisture content of the soils being treated.

This will adversely affect the structure of the stabilisation and its subsequent performance..

However when RoadCem is used in combination with the OPC this failure will only occur in the most extreme of conditions.

It has been proved that when RoadCem is added the mechanism of interaction between the stabilised structure and Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is totally different than in the case of other stabilisation methods and as a result carbonation will not be a problem

The pavement structure is actually isolated from Carbon Dioxide which leads to the elimination of carbonisation.

Other weather conditions that generally affect the performance of stabilisation are high or very low temperatures. The high air and ground temperatures that we experienced last summer accelerated hydration, resulting in failures due to loss in flexibility and consequent ravelling of the stabilised soils creating brittle fractures and cracks, even with binder mixes of 3% and less.

As we are now experiencing our coldest spell of the winter it worth noting that adding RoadCem will increase protection against low temperatures. The dense crystalline structure created by RoadCem, prevents voids, squeezing out any available water to frost proof the stabilisation against all but the heaviest of frosts.

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